
Saturday, December 3, 2022

Google forms question

Does anyone know how to create a nested question in Google Forms?

One of those where, if the person chooses YES, it opens a followup?

I've looked but the answer I've found just confused me a bit.

And yes, we're going to use a Google Form to figure out who wants to do what rules-wise.

If I get sufficienty skilled at framing questions I'll probably do that for a future delving area, too.


  1. I think the simplest way is to use different "sections". Step 1: create three sections in the form - one for the yes/no question, one for the section that will contain any questions that should be asked if the respondent answered "yes", and the last for what should happen if they answer "no". Note, that last one will probably just resume with asking more questions. Step 2: add your yes/no question to section 1. next to the yes/no options, there should be a dropdown that says what to do based on the respondent choosing that option; for the "yes" option, pick "go to section 'Optional'" (or whatever you called it", for the "no" option, pick "go to section 'Resume survey'". Step 3: add your optional questions (i.e. based on the respondent having answered "yes" to the first question) to the second section. Step 4: add subsequent questions to the third section.
