
Saturday, February 8, 2025

Diablo: Things I'd Forgotten

Diablo very much influenced Dungeon Fantasy - potion belts with 8 potion slots, hack-and-slash gaming, town is safe, magic items are found or purchased but not made, etc.

There are a few things I'd forgotten, though:

- Quests sometimes trigger new areas in old areas. You might find a crack in a wall that wasn't accessible before when you get a quest, or a chest you can't open until you've met the quest-giver.

- You increase stats, but increasing spells is all about finding magic in the dungeon.

- Unique items are always interesting, even if only useful for a while.

- Mood music is awesome.

Amusingly, some stuff I just remembered - Tab for the automap, arrow keys to move it around, Shift+Click to stand in place and swing, right click to cast spells . . . I haven't played in close to 30 years but I remember the keystrokes like they were yesterday.

And I remember the only helm Lightforge . . . which was totally sweet. They said it was only accessible by a lucky drop in the demo version, but it was a hacked item. My friend Ed traded for them and got all of us one each. And me, two, after my first guy was lost in a computer failure. But I digress . . . got to go back to clearing the Bone Chamber . . .

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