
Friday, February 7, 2025

Random Thoughts & Links for 2/7/2025

It's Friday, time for random thoughts and links.

- Diablo lead progammer David Brevik describes DF Felltower, although you do have a lot more up-front customization of characters in Felltower thanks to GURPS.

But the main thing is loot? Killing monsters and loot, story not needed? Yes. That's my game.

- I've been thinking about my game's rules. I feel like I keep trying to simplify, and cut out things - rules, especially - that I feel don't add enough fun to justify the cost in time and complexity. But I also feel like that's becoming less true as I go on. A couple of rules I'd quietly dumped have been revived after pushes from players. A rule or two I'd downrated in effect have returned to the foreground a bit. If I started from scratch, my preferred ruleset for Felltower would be shorter, and although my players seem to agree in principle, actual practice is causing more rules and rulings to track. Hmm.

- Chester looks at Unlimited Adventures - a Gold Box CRPG toolkit.

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