Monday, November 27, 2023

More notes from Session 187

More notes from last session, DF Session 187.

Foundry VTT GURPS Package Problems:

- Silver-coated weapons do x1.5, not x2 like solid silver weapons, to werewolves. x1.5 is not an option on the wounding screen. Couple that with x1.5 for cutting and I need to be doing x2.25 . . . not an option. I ended up having to figure the damage and then add 10% to wounding. Annoying.

- it's nice that we can set certain statuses - reeling, fatigued - to automatically show up. It's bad that they show up for NPCs so PCs can see at a glance how harmed a foe is, even when they shouldn't know. I don't think I can fix that.

I kind of wish I had time to learn to code well enough to go fix this, but I have a lot on my plate professionally and personally that doesn't leave the room I'd need to put the work in that would help. Learning two other skills simulatenously as it is has been tricky enough.


Regeneration seems powerful. 1 hp/second is 100 points. It's almost irrelevant in combat in DF. In AD&D, a troll healing 3 hp/round is massive, as rounds can go by without it getting hit and HP range from 12-54, average 33 HP. That's healing 9% of its HP per round. 1 hp per second in DF? Damage ranges from 2d-4d+ per blow, you can get hit with multiple blows per second, and even HP 20 is only 120 injury from instant death. It can take 10 seconds to undo one hit's worth of damage.

It's basically just one more thing for a GM to track.

Speaking of Regeneration, Kevin S asked if a troll werewolf would not regenerate from silver, fire, or acid, or it would regenerate from all of them. The answer is: find out when you fight them.

Power Ups

Hanari's player asked about buying Breakfall, but DF and DFRPG don't use techniques. He did find Tuck and Roll! in DFD: Thieves. I think they're both appropriate Power-Ups for Martial Artists. That said, I'm not sure I'd allow it as it conflicts very heavily with Catfall. In fact, cost-wise, it probably makes Catfall a poor choice. I'd rather not use it and essentially undermine a simpler but more expensive advantage; especially since it would also require a roll and a margin-of-success mechanic instead of a simple yes/no effect. I can see allowing Catfall for Martial Artists as a Power-Up.
I think our Bard will eventually want this, which is probably not something I want to deal with:

Artifact Lore. I think I just don't want to deal with this in Felltower. I'll constantly be rattling off values of items, even in combat (it's instant and on sight), list exact coin amounts in glimpsed hoards, explaining the powers of magic items which mystically everyone who can hear what I tell the bard knows (or he'll say it as a free action on his turn anyway), etc. It's not very old school, and DF Felltower aspires to an old school feel with new school rules. We don't have Analyze Magic spells and sages for nothing. I don't mind a bard recognizing storied artifacts, but that might need to be something that takes more time and closer examination.


  1. Yep, the silver coating x1.5 damage thing is wonky in play, especially as it'll almost always come up in conjunction with cutting dam. I suppose the quick solution is to rule that x1.5x1.5 works out to a simple x2.

    The game (or at least DFRPG) leaves a pretty important related question unanswered: does a silver-coated weapon fully eliminate a werewolf's DR 15, just like pure silver does? I think that's the unwritten intent; a certain half-orc knight's silver-coated brass knuckles would be meaningless if that DR stayed at 15 (or even if it were halved). Is that how you handle it?

    1. I treat silver-coated as silver except with a reduced effect on vulnerability, so yeah, I have it bypass their DR.

  2. Regen is poorly implemented, for sure. I understand the simulationist impulse to do things in piddling small increments but it almost always sucks to track those things in play, especially for monsters where the GM might need to be tracking multiple things on multiple NPCs simultaneously.

    There is also the problem that a lot of GURPS stuff that makes sense in a realistic combat situation (where folks regularly break off from high intensity engagements and take breathers) don't work in GURPS in play as PCs never break off except (occasionally) to run.

    "All GURPS PCs WWI" ends in 2 minutes with 90% of the combat plausible population of Europe dead.


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