My ongoing GURPS Dungeon Fantasy campaign.
The Attitude
My GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Manifesto
The Background
Some Felltower History
World of Felltower Gazetteer
Magic Items
Construction Styles of Felltower
The Rules
Race and Template List
Revised Disadvantages for DF Felltower
The Toolbox
XP Awards
Required Loot Tables
Alternative Turning in DF
Upkeep Costs
Forcing Doors Rules and How To.
Death Spells & Felltower
Treasure, Coins, and my DF Game
Armor & Weapon Repair
Pricing Magic Items in Town (DFRPG update)
Underwater Combat Lite
Enchantment Speed
Damage to Shields
Allowable Off-Template Advantages
Felltower Rulings to Remember & More Felltower Rulings to Remember & Even More Felltower Rulings to Remember
DF Felltower Languages, Elder Tongue - Collected Facts, and More DF Felltower Languages and Even More DF Felltower languages
Felltower Merged Weapon Skills
Felltower & Swarms
City Status
Stericksburg's Status (Equipment availability and pricing)
The Pool of Delvers
Character Roster
There are also some henchmen.
What Have They Fought?
Monsters Encountered So Far
Known Dragons of Felltower
Known Entrances to Felltower
Known Entrances
Gates - Known Gates, Rules, Facts
The Summaries
The first 9 sessions took place in and around the Caves of Chaos.
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4, Part 1
Session 4, Part 2
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8
Session 9
From Session 10, the PCs began to explore the tent-post megadungeon of my campaign.
Session 10 - Felltower
Session 11 - Felltower 2
Session 12 - Felltower 3
Session 13 - Felltower 4
Session 14, Part I - Felltower 4
Session 14, Part II - Felltower 5
Session 15 - Felltower 6 - First Trip to Level 2
Session 16 - Felltower 7 - Wights Redux
Session 17 - Felltower 8
Session 18 - Felltower 9 - Total Party Teleport
Session 19 - Felltower 10 - Total Party Teleport II
Session 20 - Felltower 11
Session 21 - Felltower 12 - Dust of the Dead
Session 22 - Felltower 13 - Clash of the Titans
Session 23 - Felltower 14 - A Gargoyle Shall Be Born
Session 24 - Felltower 15
Session 25 - Felltower 16
Summing Up After Session 25 - Felltower in 11 Numbers
Session 26 - Felltower 17 - The Gargoyle Menace Ended?
Session 27 - Felltower 18
Session 28 - Felltower 19 - Sprint to the Fire
Session 29, Felltower 20
Session 30, Felltower 21 - The Great Hireling Massacre
Session 31, Felltower 22
Session 32, Felltower 23 - Epic PHB Homage Fight
Session 33, Part I - Felltower 23 Part II
Session 33, Part II - Felltower 24
Session 34, Felltower 25 - Playing With Statues
Session 35, Felltower 26 - Trigers, Wizard, and the Wardrobe
Session 36, Felltower 27 - First Six-Fingered Foe
Session 37, Felltower 28 - Ropers, Hydra, and Scary Doors
Session 38, Felltower 29 - Golems & Wizard
Session 39, Felltower 30
Session 40, Felltower 31 - Heads & Head-Gems
Session 41, Felltower 32 - The Flooded Prison
Session 42, Felltower 33
Session 43, Felltower 34 - Room of Pools, Eye of Death
Session 44, Felltower 35 - Cloaker & Trogs & Wyrm
Session 45, Felltower 36 - You Sexy Slugbeast
Session 46, Felltower 37 - Dungeon and Dragons
Session 47, Felltower 38 - Crushroom Combat
Session 48, Felltower 39 - Near TPK
Session 49, Felltower 40 - Empty Delve
Session 50, Felltower 41 - Orc Trap Counterattack
Session 51, Felltower 42 - the Holy & the Unholy
Session 52, Felltower 43 - Cloaker's End
Session 53, Felltower 44 - Caverns fully mapped?
Session 54, Felltower 45 - Raiding the Orc Castle
Session 55, Felltower 46 - Purple Worm, Purple Worms
Session 56, Felltower 47 - Ghost, Trolls, and possible TPK - Part I
Session 57, Felltower 47, Mungo vs. Vryce - Part II
Starting with Session 58, the lower-point delvers started a side adventure in the Cold Fens.
Session 58, Cold Fens 1
Session 59, Cold Fens 2
Session 60, Cold Fens 2 Part II
Session 61, Cold Fens 3
Session 62, Cold Fens 4
Session 63, Cold Fens 5 - the Cavern
Session 64, Cold Fens 6 - the Endless Feast
Session 65, Cold Fens 7 - Traps & Lizard Men
Session 66, Cold Fens 8 - Disaster
Starting with Session 67, another group of delvers was formed around the survivor of the Cold Fens, Gerry. They have 5-6 sessions to loot all they can from The Lost City.
Session 67, Lost City 1 - Armoury
Session 68, Lost City 2 - Vegepygmies & Thornies
Session 69, Lost City 3 - Slimes, Why Did It Have to Be Slimes?
Session 70, Lost City 4 - Arachno-Assassins & the First Bell
Session 71, Lost City 5, Part I - Mowgli Battle
Session 72, Lost City 5, Part II - Rangol Grot
Session 73, Lost City 5, Part III - Fort Vegepygmy
Starting with Session 74, we resumed delving in Felltower.
Session 74, Felltower 48 - Stirge Extermination
Session 75, Felltower 49 - Part I
Session 76, Felltower 49 - Part II
Session 76, Felltower 50 - Part I - Waking the Sleeping Dragon
Session 77, Felltower 50 - Part II - Crazies, Big John, and Ghosts
Session 78, Felltower 51 - the Black Library
Session 79, Felltower 52
Session 79 Addendum
Session 80, Felltower 53 - Delving Deeper
Session 81, Felltower 54 - the Lord of Spite Battle, Part I?
Session 82, Felltower 55 - Orc Showdown I
Session 83, Felltower 56 - Orc Showdown II
Session 84, Felltower 57 - Gates
Felltower in 11 Numbers - 2017 New Years edition
Session 85, Felltower 58 - Rotating Statue Puzzle
Session 86, Felltower 59 - I Wish
Session 87, Felltower 60 - Crowbar Fight & Lord of Spite
Rumors from Session 87
Session 88, Felltower 61 - Eye Beasts
Session 89, Felltower 62 - Orcs & Owlbear Skins
Session 90, Felltower 63 - Gates & Phase Serpents
Session 91, Felltower 64 - Endless Room & Colored Doors
Session 92, Felltower 65 - Eight Entered Felltower
Session 93, Felltower 66 - Four Entered Felltower
Session 94, Felltower 67 - Golden Swordsmen
Session 95, Caves of Chaos 10 - Return to the Keep on the Borderlands
Session 96, Felltower 68 - Say My Name (Durak, Gates, and Werewolves)
Session 97, Felltower 69 - Into the Orc Hole
Session 98, Felltower 70 - Gnolls & Norkers
Session 99, Felltower 71 - Mercury, Hands, and Otyugh
Session 100, Felltower 72 - Stone Bulls & Teleporters
Session 101, Felltower 73, Lost City 6
Session 102, Felltower 74 - Black Axeman
Session 103, Felltower 75 - Norker Showdown
Session 104, Felltower 76 - Bottle Puzzle
Session 105, Felltower 77 - For Want of Dispel Magic
Session 106, Felltower 78 - Two More Gates
Session 107, Felltower 79 - Olympia (Part I)
Session 108, Felltower 80 - Rats
Session 109, Felltower 81 - Olympia (Part II)
Session 110, Felltower 82 - Ravening Eyes & Werewolves
Session 111, Felltower 83 - Aimless Session
Session 112, Felltower 84 - A Dragon, Behold
Session 113, Felltower 85, Lost City 7
Session 114, Felltower 86 - Ebony Death Goddess & Obsidian Golems
Session 115, Felltower 87 - Flame Foes & New Stairs
Session 116, Felltower 88 - In the Orc Hole II
Session 117, Felltower 89 - Into the Orc Hole III
Session 118, Felltower 90 - Into the Orc Hole IV
Session 119, Felltower 91 - Into the Orc Hole V
Session 120, Felltower 92 - Entering the Forest Gate
Session 121, Felltower 93 - Forest Gate II
Session 122, Felltower 94 - Forest Gate III
Session 123, Felltower 95 - Forest Gate IV
Session 124, Felltower 96 - Draugr I
Session 125, Felltower 96 - Draugr II
Session 126, Felltower 97
Session 127, Felltower 98 - Cone-hatted Consortium
Session 128, Felltower 99 - Lost City 8
Session 129, Felltower 100 - Lost City 9
Session 130, Felltower 101 - Jungle Gate
Session 131, Felltower 102 - Lost City 10, Part I
Session 132, Felltower 102 - Lost City 10, Part II
Session 133, Felltower 103 - Lost City 11
Session 134, Felltower 104 - Lost City 12 - the Dark Temple (Part I)
Session 135, Felltower 104 - Lost City 12 - the Dark Temple (Part II)
Session 136, Felltower 105
Session 137, Felltower 106 - Icy Gate I
Session 138, Felltower 106 - Icy Gate II - Escape from Icy Gate
Session 139, Felltower 107 - Green Gemstone Zombies again
Session 140, Felltower 108 - Against the Giant
Session 141, Felltower 109 - Nothing Ventured & Nothing Gained
Session 142, Felltower 110 - the Lord of Spite (Part I)
Session 143, Felltower 110 - the Lord of Spite (Part II)
Session 144, Felltower 110 - the Lord of Spite (Part III)
Session 145, Felltower 111 - Yeth Hounds
Session 146, Felltower 112 - Yeth Hounds & Moonbeams
Session 147, Felltower 113 - Orichalcum and Moon Doors
Session 148, Felltower 114, Lost City 13 - Ampitheatre
Session 149, Felltower 115 - Staring at Doors
Session 150, Cold Fens 9
Session 151, Cold Fens 10
Session 152, Cold Fens 11 - Part I
Session 153, Cold Fens 11 - Part II
Session 154, Cold Fens 12 - Deadfalls & Defeat
Session 155, Cold Fens 13 - Scouting Sakatha's Island
Session 156, Cold Fens 14 - Hexcrawling the Cold Fens (Part I)
Session 157, Cold Fens 15 - Hexcrawling the Cold Fens (Part II)
Session 158, Cold Fens 16 - Sakatha's Lair Do-or-Die (Part I)
Session 159, Cold Fens 16 - Sakatha's Lair Do-or-Die (Part II)
Session 160, Cold Fens 16 - Sakatha's Lair Do-or-Die (Part III)
Session 161, Cold Fens 16 - Sakatha's Lair Do-or-Die (Part IV)
Session 162, Felltower 116 - Level 7? (Part I)
Session 163, Felltower 116 - Level 7? (Part II)
Session 164, Felltower 117 - Level 6?
Session 165, Felltower 118 - Beyond the Repelling Doors
Session 166, Felltower 120 - Draugr Do-or-Die (Part I)
Session 167, Felltower 120 - Draugr Do-or-Die (Part II)
Session 168, Felltower 120 - Draugr Do-or-Die (Part III)
Session 169, Felltower 121 - Second GFS - Part I
Session 170, Felltower 121 - Second GFS - Part II
Session 171, Felltower 121 - Second GFS - Part III
Session 172, Felltower 122 - Desmond Takes Command & Stirges
Session 173 (Part I), Felltower 121 - Second GFS - Part IV
Interlude: Prisoners of the Masters
Session 173 (Part II), Felltower 123 - Dungeons & Dwarves
Session 174, Felltower 124 - Mission for the Masters
Session 175, Felltower 124 - Mission for the Masters II
Session 176, Felltower 124 - Mission for the Masters III - Beholder
Galen tracked down some cone-hatted cultists to unopenable doors.
Session 177, Brotherhood Complex 1 - Tricks, Traps, and Triger
Session 178, Brotherhood Complex 2 - Iron Knights
Session 179, Brotherhood Complex 3, Part I
Session 180, Brotherhood Complex 3 - Part II
Session 181, Brotherhood Complex 4, Part I
Session 182, Brotherhood Complex 4, Part II - Demon Grunts & Torturers
Session 183, Brotherhood Complex 5 - Gnolls (Part I)
Session 184, Brotherhood Complex 5 - Gnolls (Part II)
Session 185, Felltower 125 - Return to Felltower
Session 186, Felltower 125 - Return to Felltower Part II - Gnolls & A Level Too Far?
Session 187, Felltower 125 - Fighting the Werewolves
Session 188, Felltower 126 - Werewolf Loot & Crystal Gazing
Session 189, Felltower 127 - Quick Delve
Session 190, Felltower 128 - Exploring Level 1
Session 191, Felltower 129 - Troll Treasure & Orc Holes
Session 192, Felltower 130 - Down, down, down the GFS
Session 193, Felltower 131 - Olympus Gate II, Part I
Session 194, Felltower 131 - Olympus Gate II, Part II
Session 195, Felltower 131 - Olympus Gate II, Part III
Session 196, Felltower 132 - Wells, Pools, and Cultists of the Good God
Session 197, Felltower 133 - Chimera, Stone Bulls, and Baby Mira
Session 198, Brotherhood Complex 6 - Gnolls & Doors
Session 199, Brotherhood Complex 6 - Gnolls & Doors, Part II
Session 200, Brotherhood Complex 7
The Graveyard
The following are the PCs and NPCs in the group who have died adventuring, when, and how.
(Slain but resurrected characters may appear on the Graveyard list more than once if they die again.)
Player Characters are in bold
"Felltower is all about safety." - Ulf
Mikal, human drover, NPC, gored by the Lord of the Maze.
Aelfred, human drover, NPC, ran off, presumed dead.
Volos, human wizard, PC, gored and speared by The Lord of the Maze
Fúma, human thief, PC, choked by a "hireling" - a throttler
Nakar the Invisible, human wizard, PC, drowned and eaten by razor fish
Inquisitor Marco, human cleric, PC, drowned and eaten by razor fish
Kullockh, human scout, PC, eaten by razor fish
Jon Hillman, human shieldbearer, NPC, eaten by razor fish
Al Shieldbearer, human shieldbearer, NPC, eaten by razor fish
Moe Redshirt, human crossbowman, NPC, eaten by razor fish
Grey McCape, human crossbowman, NPC, eaten by razor fish
Krug, Lurg, Derg, Ferg, and Zerg, hobgoblin hirelings, NPC, drowned and/or eaten by razor fish
Drog, hobgoblin hireling, NPC, eaten by shark
Six female hobgoblin campfollowers of the hirelings, NPC, drowned and/or eaten by razor fish
Arn Ulfgard, NPC barbarian hireling, volunteer, killed by hobgoblins.
Lean Jean d'Archer, NPC archer hireling, killed by a cockatrice and botching healing.
Grace the Slick, NPC cutpurse hireling, killed by Dryst's friendly fire.
"Barefoot" George, NPC pirate-type hireling, volunteer, killed by hobgoblins and/or Dryst's friendly fire
Shieldbearer Zed, human guard (62 points, NPC), killed by a magically-summoned Triger.
Lucky Pete, human guard (?? points, NPC), smashed by a magical crushing trap.
Father Hans, human healing cleric (135 pts, NPC), smashed by a magical crushing trap.
Jon Blackbart, human beardsman (NPC), bitten to death by a gigantic ravenous gargoyle.
Yellow Liz, human smallswordsman (unknown points, NPC), torn to shreds by a mob of gargoyles.
Dryst, halfling wizard, neck snapped by a demon-ape and burned to death by his own alchemist's fire.
Al Murik, killed and eaten by trolls.
Asher Crest-Fallen, killed and partly eaten by trolls.
Vryce, killed and partly eaten by Mungo the Troll.
Father Keef, killed by trolls.
Gort of the Shining Force, killed and eaten by trolls.
El Murik, killed by undead lizardmen.
Bjorn Felmanson, killed by undead lizardmen.
Asher Crest-Fallen, human holy warrior, killed by undead lizardmen priests..
Koric, killed by undead lizardmen.
Orrie, killed by a toxifier and undead lizardmen.
Hannibal the Flammable, killed by undead lizardmen.
Rahtnar the Vegan, died days after injuries from undead lizardmen, a toxifier, and traps.
Hjalmarr Holgersson, killed by an arachno-warrior in the lost city.
Kian, human pirate, fatally choked and choke-slammed by a mummy.
Hjalmarr Holgarsson, killed in Stericksburg by a cursed ring found in Felltower.
Ken Shabby, human wizard (?), bashed to death by an ogre.
Melchior the Malevolent, human wizard, hatcheted and stabbed to death by an orc slayer.
Hasdrubel Stormcaller, human wizard, killed by Baron Sterick the Red.
Hjalmarr Holgerson, human knight, killed by Baron Sterick the Red.
Brother Ike, human initiate, killed by Baron Sterick the Red.
Raska, human laborer, killed by Baron Sterick the Red.
Veronico, human archer, killed by Baron Sterick the Red.
Mo (his momma call him Kle), human barbarian, killed by Baron Sterick the Red.
Red Raggi Ragnarsson, human berserker, killed by Baron Sterick the Red.
Quention Gale, human druid, killed by Baron Sterick the Red.
Ahenobarbus the Lacerator, human swashbuckler, decapitated by Baron Sterick the Red.
Red Raggi Rangarsson, human berserker, slain by a golden swordsman.
Dave the Crippler, human knight, cut in half by a black reaver.
Gwynneth, elf wizard, killed by a Ravening Eye.
Brother Iklwa Juma Deswayo N'Zinga ("Brother Ike"), human acolyte, shredded by a Ravening Eye.
Monseigneur Morgan, human cleric, killed by a Charmed Alaric.
Mo (his momma call him Kle). human barbarian, slain by a beholder's death ray.
Gwynneth, elf wizard, slain by a beholder's death ray.
Alaric, human scout, knocked out by Jaspar and killed by gargoyles.
Jaspar, human swashbuckler, petrified by a beholder and last seen standing in a tunnel.
Rolan, elf scout, paralyzed by a beholder and taken by gargoyles, presumably slain.
Hjalmarr Holgarson, human knight, paralyzed by a beholder and presumably slain.
Vryce, human knight, put to sleep by a beholder and presumably slain.
Felix Aurelius, human cleric, neck snapped by an obsidian golem.
Demetrios and Leonitas of Meepos, human spearmen, slain by trolls.
Ulf Sigurdson, human cleric, slain by Heyden the Ebon Page.
Aldwyn Hale, human knight, poisoned and squeezed to death by a naga.
Varmus the Hanged, mostly bisected by a giant.
Varmus the Hanged, killed by doomchild fragmentation.
Wyatt Sorrel, human swashbuckler, mobbed and slain by Demons from Between the Stars.
Varmus the Hanged, human apprenctice, bisected by a giant.
Ulf Sigurdson, human cleric, bisected by a giant.
"Mild" Bruce McTavish, human barbarian, impaled through the vitals by Sakatha.
Ulf Sigurdson, human cleric, throat bitten out by Sakatha.
"Mild" Bruce McTavish, human barbarian, cut down by Sterick's draugr bodyguards.
Aldwyn, human knight, hacked down while nude - mostly to the groin - by axe-wielding norkers.
"Pigsticker" Paul, human spearman, swarmed and blood-drained by stirges.
Crogar, human barbarian, strangled while paralyzed by obsidian golems.
Gerald Tarrant, human wizard, slain by a beholder's death ray.
"Mild" Bruce McTavish, human barbarian, petrified and presumably slain by a beholder.
Ulf Sigurdson, human cleric, slain by a beholder.
Varmus the Hanged, human apprentice, slain by eyes of death and a beholder.
Wyatt Sorrel, human swashbuckler, put to sleep and presumably slain by a beholder.
Desmond McDougal, human wizard, slain by gnolls and cone-hatted cultist wizards then eaten by gnolls.
Ambassador Durinn, dwarf cleric, slain by gnolls and cone-hatted cultist wizards then eaten by gnolls.
Lenjamin Gundry, human knight, slain by gnolls and cone-hatted cultist wizards then eaten by gnolls.
Kaylee Blackwall, half-elf knight, slain by gnolls and cone-hatted cultist wizards then eaten by gnolls.
Sigur Hondguthann, human holy warrior, slain by gnolls and cone-hatted cultist wizards then eaten by gnolls.
Duncan Tesadic, human wizard, accidentally cut down by Thor Halfskepna.