Friday, October 18, 2024

Random Thoughts & Links for 10/18/2024

- D4 Caltrops gives magic axes some love.

- Not so much gaming time this week of any kind. I'm finishing a very long, very dense military history book on top of a lot of non-gaming reading and video review, so no video games or Revolt on Antares or anything to report there.

- I did get a little cleanup done on the Brotherhood Complex. It's done and just sitting around ready to play, so all that's left is the PCs fighting it out and possible surviving a close-in fight.

- This shouldn't be a side note, but another of my friend Ryan V's gamers passed away . . . age 48. Young to go, but I gather he'd suffered some issues from his younger days that just never really let go. I only played with Lou a few times, but they were fun times. I remember scaring the living hell out of him with something I did in game that was pretty intimidating. Which is funny, because Lou was a big, strong dude but had this deer-in-the-headlights look at whatever the hell I did. I remember his reaction far more than I remember anything about the game itself. Probably Armageddon, I played that the most with that group. Sorry for that Lou, but it's a pretty funny memory. Maybe my buddies Jon or Don remember what the hell I did that provoked that look.

Really sad to hear of a friend passing even if I didn't know him as well as I could have.

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