That's him on the left:

Named by my cousin for his stylish Renaissance painter hat.
Noted enemy of Raphaelf.
My goodness, this new book is writing itself.
Old School informed GURPS Dungeon Fantasy gaming. Basically killing owlbears and taking their stuff, but with 3d6.
Name: Half-Orc Assassin
Race: Half-Orc
Attributes [160]
ST 11 [10]
DX 15 [100]
IQ 11 [20]
HT 13 [20] (HT includes +1 from 'Half-Orc (Dungeon Fantasy)')
HP 12 (Hit Points includes +1 from 'Half-Orc (Dungeon Fantasy)')
Will 11
Per 13 [10]
FP 13
Basic Lift 24
Damage 1d/2d-1
Basic Speed 7
Basic Move 7
Ground Move 7
Water Move 1
Social Background
TL: 3 [0]
Cultural Familiarities:
Languages: Common (Native) [0].
Advantages [64]
Acute Hearing (1) [2*]
Combat Reflexes [15]
Luck [15]
Night Vision (5) [5*]
Rapid Healing [5*]
Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+3 to resist) [10*]
Striking ST (2) [10]
Surprise Striking ST (2) (Accessibility (Only on surprise attack); Doesn't give general damage bonus) [4]
* = item is owned by another, point value is included in the other item.
Disadvantages [-45]
Appearance (Unattractive) [-4*]
Bad Temper (12 or less) [-10]
Bloodlust (12 or less) [-10]
Callous [-5]
Greed (12 or less) [-15]
Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]
Social Stigma (Savage) [-10*]
* = item is owned by another, point value is included in the other item.
Quirks [-5]
_Unused Quirk 1 [-1]
_Unused Quirk 2 [-1]
_Unused Quirk 3 [-1]
_Unused Quirk 4 [-1]
_Unused Quirk 5 [-1]
Packages [0]
Assassin (Dungeon Fantasy) [0]
Half-Orc (Dungeon Fantasy) [20]
Skills [76]
Brawling DX/E - DX+0 15 [1]
Broadsword DX/A - DX+1 16 [4]
Crossbow DX/E - DX+3 18 [8]
Disguise/TL3 (Human) IQ/A - IQ-1 10 [1]
Fast-Draw (Knife) DX/E - DX+1 16 [1]
includes: +1 from 'Combat Reflexes'
First Aid/TL3 (Human) IQ/E - IQ+0 11 [1]
Forced Entry DX/E - DX+0 15 [1]
Garrote DX/E - DX+2 17 [4]
Gesture IQ/E - IQ+0 11 [1]
Holdout IQ/A - IQ+1 12 [4]
Knife DX/E - DX+3 18 [8]
Merchant IQ/A - IQ-1 10 [1]
Observation Per/A - Per-1 12 [1]
Poisons/TL3 IQ/H - IQ+1 12 [8]
Search Per/A - Per+0 13 [2]
Shadowing IQ/A - IQ+1 12 [4]
Smuggling IQ/A - IQ+1 12 [4]
Stealth DX/A - DX+2 17 [8]
Streetwise IQ/A - IQ+1 12 [4]
Traps/TL3 IQ/A - IQ+1 12 [4]
Urban Survival Per/A - Per+0 13 [2]
Wrestling DX/A - DX+1 16 [4]
Stats [160] Ads [64] Disads [-45] Quirks [-5] Skills [76] = Total [250]
Hand Weapons
1 Long Knife LC:4|4|4|4 $120 Wgt:1.5
Knife Swing Dam:2d-2 cut Reach:C, 1 Parry:13 ST:7 Skill:SK:Sword!, SK:Knife, ST:DX-4, SK:Force Sword-3, SK:Main-Gauche-3, SK:Shortsword-3
Knife Thrust Dam:1d imp Reach:C, 1 Parry:13 ST:7 Skill:SK:Sword!, SK:Knife, ST:DX-4, SK:Force Sword-3, SK:Main-Gauche-3, SK:Shortsword-3
Shortsword Swing Dam:2d-2 cut Reach:1 Parry:11 ST:7 Skill:SK:Sword!, SK:Shortsword, ST:DX-5, SK:Broadsword-2, SK:Force Sword-4, SK:Jitte/Sai-3, SK:Knife-4, SK:Saber-4, SK:Smallsword-4, SK:Tonfa-3
Shortsword Thrust Dam:1d imp Reach:C, 1 Parry:11 ST:7 Skill:SK:Sword!, SK:Shortsword, ST:DX-5, SK:Broadsword-2, SK:Force Sword-4, SK:Jitte/Sai-3, SK:Knife-4, SK:Saber-4, SK:Smallsword-4, SK:Tonfa-3
Ranged Weapons
Armor & Possessions
Name: Otto the Terrible
Race: Orc
Attributes [155]
ST 14 [30] (ST includes +1 from 'Racial ST Bonus')
DX 13 [60]
IQ 11 [40] (IQ includes -1 from 'Orc (Dungeon Fantasy)')
HT 14 [30] (HT includes +1 from 'Orc (Dungeon Fantasy)')
HP 16 (Hit Points includes +2 from 'Orc (Dungeon Fantasy)')
Will 14 [10] (Will includes +1 from 'Orc (Dungeon Fantasy)')
Per 12 (Perception includes +1 from 'Orc (Dungeon Fantasy)')
FP 14
Basic Lift 39
Damage 1d/2d
Basic Speed 6 [-15]
Basic Move 6
Ground Move 6
Water Move 1
Social Background
TL: 3 [0]
Cultural Familiarities:
Languages: Common (Native) [0].
Advantages [72]
Acute Hearing (2) [4*]
Born War-Leader (1) [5]
Goblin-Kin Infravision [10*]
Racial ST Bonus (1) (Size) [10*]
Rapid Healing [5*]
Resistant to Disease 5 [5*]
Resistant to Poison 5 [5*]
Trading Character Points for Money ($500) [1]
Unholiness (2) [10]
Unholy Might Blessed (Dastardly Deeds; DX) (1) (Unholy) [9]
Unholy Might Terror (Will-0) (Unholy) [27]
Unholy Warrior Higher Purpose (Slay Servitors of Good) (1) [5]
* = item is owned by another, point value is included in the other item.
Perks [3]
Blood Healing [1]
Legionary of the Damned [1]
Venomous Tongue [1]
Disadvantages [-35]
Appearance (Ugly) [-8*]
Bad Temper (15 or less) [-5]
Bully (12 or less) [-10*]
Callous [-5]
Intolerance (All other Religions) [-10]
Selfish (12 or less) [-5]
Social Stigma (Excommunicated) [-10]
Social Stigma (Savage) [-10*]
* = item is owned by another, point value is included in the other item.
Quirks [-5]
Broad-Minded [-1]
Cruel sense of humor [-1]
Hates wine, loves beer [-1]
Reticent to discuss his powers and religion [-1]
Thinks non-evil people are as evil as he is [-1]
Packages [0]
Orc (Dungeon Fantasy) [15]
Unholy Warrior (Dungeon Fantasy) [0]
Skills [60]
Brawling DX/E - DX+1 14 [2]
Broadsword DX/A - DX+3 16 [12]
Climbing DX/A - DX-1 12 [1]
Crossbow DX/E - DX+2 15 [4]
Exorcism Will/H - Will+0 14 [4]
Fast-Draw (Sword) DX/E - DX+0 13 [1]
Hidden Lore (Demon Lore) IQ/A - IQ+0 11 [2]
Interrogation IQ/A - IQ+0 11 [1]
Intimidation Will/A - Will-1 13 [1]
Knife DX/E - DX-4 9 [0]
Leadership IQ/A - IQ+0 11 [1]
includes: +1 from 'Born War-Leader'
Meditation Will/H - Will-2 12 [1]
Physiology/TL3 (Human) IQ/H - IQ+0 11 [4]
Poisons/TL3 IQ/H - IQ-2 9 [1]
Psychology (Human) IQ/H - IQ+0 11 [4]
Religious Ritual (Demon-worship) IQ/H - IQ-2 9 [1]
Shield (Shield) DX/E - DX+3 16 [8]
Stealth DX/A - DX-1 12 [1]
Strategy (Land) IQ/H - IQ+0 11 [2]
includes: +1 from 'Born War-Leader'
Survival (Woodlands) Per/A - Per-1 11 [1]
Swimming HT/E - HT+0 14 [1]
Tactics IQ/H - IQ+0 11 [2]
includes: +1 from 'Born War-Leader'
Theology (Demon-worship) IQ/H - IQ-2 9 [1]
Wrestling DX/A - DX+1 14 [4]
Stats [155] Ads [72] Disads [-35] Quirks [-5] Skills [60] = Total [250]
Hand Weapons
1 Medium Shield LC:4 $60 Wgt:15
Bash Dam:1d cr Reach:1 Parry:No ST: Skill:ST:DX-4, SK:Shield (Buckler)-2, SK:Shield (Force)-2, SK:Shield (Shield) Notes:[2,3,4]
Rush Dam:slam+2 cr Reach:1 Parry:No ST: Skill:ST:DX-4, SK:Shield (Buckler)-2, SK:Shield (Force)-2, SK:Shield (Shield) Notes:[2,3,4]
1 Small Knife LC:4|4|4 $30 Wgt:.5
Swing Dam:2d-3 cut Reach:C, 1 Parry:6 ST:5 Skill:SK:Sword!, SK:Knife, ST:DX-4, SK:Force Sword-3, SK:Main-Gauche-3, SK:Shortsword-3
Thrust Dam:1d-1 imp Reach:C Parry:6 ST:5 Skill:SK:Sword!, SK:Knife, ST:DX-4, SK:Force Sword-3, SK:Main-Gauche-3, SK:Shortsword-3 Notes:[1]
1 Thrusting Broadsword LC:4|4 $240 Wgt:3
Swing Dam:2d+1 cut Reach:1 Parry:11 ST:10 Skill:SK:Sword!, SK:Broadsword, ST:DX-5, SK:Force Sword-4, SK:Rapier-4, SK:Saber-4, SK:Shortsword-2, SK:Two-Handed Sword-4
Thrust Dam:1d+2 imp Reach:1 Parry:11 ST:10 Skill:SK:Sword!, SK:Broadsword, ST:DX-5, SK:Force Sword-4, SK:Rapier-4, SK:Saber-4, SK:Shortsword-2, SK:Two-Handed Sword-4
Ranged Weapons
1 Crossbow (ST 14) LC:4 Dam:1d+4 imp Acc:4 Range:280 / 350
RoF:1 Shots:1(4) ST:7† Bulk:-6 Rcl: $150 Wgt:6 Notes:[3]
1 Small Knife LC:4|4|4 Dam:1d-1 imp Acc:0 Range:7 / 14
RoF:1 Shots:T(1) ST:5 Bulk:-1 Rcl:- $30 Wgt:.5
Armor & Possessions
1 Blanket $20 Wgt:4 Location:
9 Crossbow Bolt $18 Wgt:.54 Location:
1 Heavy Leather Boots $52 Wgt:4.2 Location:feet
1 Heavy Leather Gloves $15 Wgt:1.2 Location:hands
1 Heavy Scale Helm $275 Wgt:10 Location:skull
1 Light Cloth Skullcap $13 Wgt:1.5 Location:skull
1 Ordinary Clothes $0 Wgt:2 Location:
1 Personal Basics $5 Wgt:1 Location:
1 Pouch $10 Wgt:0 Location:
3 Rations $6 Wgt:1.5 Location:
1 Scale Body Armor $578 Wgt:29.4 Location:groin, torso
1 Shoulder Quiver $10 Wgt:.5 Location:
1 Whetstone $5 Wgt:1 Location:
1 Wineskin $10 Wgt:.25 Location:
Guidelines for Mixing Campaigns:
Androids, Wizards, Several
Mutants, and Liberal Doses of
Imagination, Well Blended
by James M. Ward
Magic and its effects are immense on the starship. Those MA crea-
tures have no resistance to magic so they take full effect without a sav-
ing throw.
There are many ways to handle the different D&D character
classes. For every two levels over the tenth a fighter has, allow a plus
one to hit with any weapon. Magic users over the tenth level should
have a plus per level to figure out any type of technical item. Since
clerics get their spells renewed everyday (and I never liked them any-
way) they don’t need any special powers or plusses. Bards over the
tenth level act like Singing Vines. Monks on the other hand are at one-
half their normal level because of the extreme quickness of the MA species.
Thieves don’t have their special attack bonus when attacking
the backs of mutants (everyone is always trying to zap them from be-
If any of you are wondering what possible harm De-evolu-
tion could do to a non-mutant let me list a few things. In magic users it
could take away all the ability to use spells of any type. Fighters could
lose a level or two of experience for every attack. Clerics could lose one
level of spells forever starting from their lowest level. Normal humans
could be transformed into cro-magnon man or even apes (but a few
have argued that this skips several generations of evolution).
That covers all the character abilities for both sides except for
Radiation Resistance. The D&D player has had no former generations
to give them immunity so they have a resistance of 3.