Actual Date: 3/9/2025
Game Date: 12/12/2024
Weather: Cold, clear, dry.
Chop, human cleric (301 points)
Brother Quinn, human initiate (125 points)
Duncan Tesadic, human wizard (335 points)
Hannari Ironhand, dwarf martial artist (316 points)
Amlaric, human squire (125 points)
Persistance Montgomery (303 point knight)
Thor Halfskepna, human knight (306 points)
Leon the Eye, human archer (125 points)
Aaron, Brandon, Cedric, Dortmund, Ernie, Ferd, Grunlark, and Hansel, human guards (62 points)
Bullworth and Oxford, human laborers (62 points)
Honest Charles LeGrand, human squire (125 points)
Vladimir Luchnick, dwarf scout (298 points)
We picked up where we left off last time.
The PCs carefully moved through the Iron Witch's room, finding a series of rough tunnels behind one door. They eventually found they all were dead ends each to a covered spyhole out into the hallway. They tossed the main room, taking a framed picture they believed was of the King of Cornwood (it wasn't), moved furniture, etc. All they found of interest was a book stand with a snapped-off chain on it - whatever book was there had been very recently torn off the podium and removed.
They went where the Iron Witch had to have gone - another side door they'd briefly explored past and then returned from. That turned out to lead to a "treasury" - an alchmical lab, a workbench oilstained and scarred up from metalworking on the top, some food, and coffers and urns. They found a big haul of gems, some gold, silver, and copper coins, some rings, a suit of unassembled magical mail, and sone food. Oh, and some purple lotus flower dust - a hallucinogenic that also makes the taker very susceptible to suggestion.
They organized it up, sealed the clay urn with candle wax to keep the drugs in, and carried it out to their wounded compariots. They also found a second set of stairs down, right near the Iron Witch's room, behind a secret door revealed by See Secrets. They went to their wounded friends and spent a bit of time healing them up. That done, they carried their loot, their fallen friends, and what they could pull off the cultist wizards (paut and a few Hooded Robes of Protection) and headed ot the surface.
There, they set a few of their men guarding the camp, took two guards - Ferd and Aaron - and Brother Quinn, and headed back in.
They spent the rest of the delve exploring the third level underground. Most notably, they found the "junk room" where a previous group had struggled with some demon grunts, the torture chamber where a previous group had fought some torturers, a couple of rooms redolent with the smell of the incense they'd found above, and a demonic temple.
The temple was incomplete. The altar had a blood-caked obsidian knife and silver (or silvered) cup, and showed some heavy use . . . but nothing recent. Some statues nearby showed signs of having held . . . something . . . that was missing. None of it was magical - it was the tools needed to make a summoning easier, but not enough to summon without just flat-out casting Summon Demon. It was Low Sanctity, as well. Chop surmised (correctly, in the end) that there was an older cult of demon-worshippers or demonic servants, and the Brotherhood had moved in long after and used the temple area and the hallucinogenic drugs to condition their recruits until they were solid believers.
Further exploration found many sets of robes for the brotherhood, but also a study area, and a long-disused set of cult paraphenalia - a silver mask, an onyx ring, an ebony staff with an onyx head, and iron knife, and a black robe unlike that of the Brotherhood. The mask, looked at from the front, was an odd mix of demon and babboon. From the left, it appeared more babboon-like. From the right, more wolf-like. "Demogorgon!" they agreed, but luckily only a couple times out loud . . . and nothing came of it.
They took the ring, shredded the robe, broke the knife, and snapped the skull off the staff. Thor rolled up the solid silver mask like a frying pan in a strongman show, and Percy helped pound it into a lump they could sell for its weight in silver. Beyond this area were "natural" caves . . . with many bones of animals and some humans and human-like bones as well. Nothing complete . . . but a lot. Vlad decided things came in here to die. Yeah, no one else saw it that way. They wanted out before whatever was killing things made an appearance. They headed out.
What followed was a lot of exploration. Just going around looking for the wizard's room - they didn't find it - and anything else. They found stairs up that led eventually to an illusionary wall right near the entrance. They also found an armory/storage room. They took some weapons, but left the old construction materials they found that matched those used for the temple area.
In the end, that's about all they found - they never found the gnoll's rest area, where the two plate-armored cultist leaders stayed, or where the wizard's stayed. They jsut got tired of going round and round and headed out.
In the end they did take some serious loot - it worked out to almost $10K each - and put down the Brotherhood in this place. The Iron Witch, though, and that one wizard cultist got away, and they never figured out exactly how. They're currently in Stericksburg, recovering and plotting their next moves.
A rare no-combat session. Not a single blow aimed in the session. We spent a good chunk of time in combat time, though - maybe 2 1/2 hours? - as the PCs were stalking what they thought was a carefully hiding Iron Witch. They weren't willing to break off pursuit until it became clear they could not and would not find her.
MVP was Chop for caring for the NPCs and his very helpful See Secrets spell.
The PCs are already talking about going back and mapping the complex to ensure they found everything. We'll see if that's the plan for next session or not. It'll be a few weeks from now, and many weeks from the delve they just completed.
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