Sunday, August 4, 2024

Favoring humans in DF Felltower: Setting Bias

I mentioned in the comments on my proposed DF rules option for humans that DF Felltower biases a bit towards humans.

So, how does DF Felltower bias towards humans?

None of it is a big bias; nothing here makes it harder to be non-human. But it is all stuff that makes it easier on you as a human.

Most equipment found is SM 0. That's fine for a good number of non-human races, but is fine for 100% of humans, even the SM+1 ones.

Most armor found is SM 0 and human-shaped. So elves might have a bit of an issue; dwarves definitely do.

Most NPCs are human, and on the whole are more likely to show up as friends or enemies. Advantages that are race-affected or don't cross racial barriers are more limited for non-humans. And there are races that have special antipathy for elves, for dwarves, for half-elves, for halflings, etc. - but not any with a special hatred for humans that doesn't also hit the human-adjacent races.

In short, the world assumes a human majority, places the campaign in a human-majority location, and provides most gear for humans first and to non-humans as an afterthought. Humans might not get the nice little power jump that most non-humans get, but they get a bias across the board in the setting towards them.


  1. I prefer mostly-human settings, and PC parties that are not a menagerie of different creatures. Because as much as I like fantasy as a genre, the effect is lessened if everyone in the party has to be a special elf, or whatever. I am thankful that 3/5 of the PCs in my current DFRPG campaign are human.

    Unless the game is specifically about a group of elves, and then in which case the campaign should be about that, and should feel different IMO. Otherwise what's the point.

    1. I'm generally the same, but the dwarf-heavy party I currently GM for argues that my players feel differently!

      But hey, the odds of an end-game suit of dwarf-sized armor turning up in loot, nevermind two or three, are a lot lower than the odds of another suit of end-game human-sized armor. So you live without as much expectation of finding the big score item. If only because the big name legendary folks were largely human . . .


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