Sunday, September 15, 2024

Felltower pre-summary

We played Felltowe today.

The PCs . . .

- set out to slay one of the dragons of Felltower!

- immediately changed their mind when someone pointed out this was hard

- headed to the Brotherhood Complex

- successfully alarmed the occupants and killed some gnolls

- opened many doors

- and got caught against a locked door by approaching gnolls, cultist guards, and cultists wizards

- and fun ensued.

Details tomorrow!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Random Bits for 9/13/2024

Not much of a week for gaming - lot of non-gaming things to do.

- This is pretty funny - Conan vs. Barbarianism.

- 2000 posts is a lot of posts. Omedetou, Monsters & Manuals.

- Felltower is Sunday. The fabled Tavern Level probably has this. I doubt the PCs will find the Tavern Level, though. But as Principal Skinner says, "Prove me wrong, kids!"

- I think I might play this, next: Victory in Europe: The Collapse of Nazi Germany 1944-1945. I think the other games I got from Omega Games, War to the Death and Napoleon's Leipzig Campaign, might be a bit too much. We'll see. I'm reading the rules now before I decide. I bought these games so long ago my address on the package is from the house I grew up in. And one of them I'll probably never play.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

TWW: Persian Gulf - Finished

I finished out my standard-length (8 war turns) game of Persian Gulf tonight.

In the end, it was a NATO Substantial Victory. That seems odd, give that, at the end of the game:

- the Turks had been crushed almost entirely
- Iraq was half overrun and over 50% of its military forces were destroyed
- the Jordanian forces had been totally destroyed
- All of central Iran was controlled by the Soviets (albeit narrowly)

What bailed out NATO was aggressive counterattacking and the limited time that the Soviets had thanks to very late mobilization of the Southern Military Districts. That and the fact that only oil fields and forcing surrenders really helps, and the Soviets couldn't force anyone to surrender. They couldn't get to the gulf, either, thanks to the USMC seizing all of the ports. In the end, the Soviets were in a solid position but ran out of time.

I'll post pictures tomorrow if I can, edited back into this post. I have a lot of cleanup to do, since I don't want to just pour everything back into the box. Overall, it was a very satisfying game. If I play another in the series, it'll likely be Southern Front (which might be my favorite) or Artic Front (which is my least favorite, so I think I need to give it another chance.) More likely, I'll work up a game of Fire in the Lake, instead, or dust off Victory in Europe and finally give that a go. But that's for another time.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Random Thoughts & Links for 9/6/2024

- Next Felltower is the Sunday after this coming Sunday.

- CRPG Addict finally got to Betrayal At Krondor, which I really enjoyed.

- Wealth in GURPS, in a long and detailed look, and a specific campaign's set of rules.

- B/X Procedural Flowcharts. Neat!

- Getting rid of Weapon Master? I won't for Felltower, but I'd run a game without it.

- This kind of thing reminds me of Felltower - more than once my players have realized that, well, maybe they're the bad guys. But like these players, they got over it when they found loot and rationalizations for murder.

"Losses: moral/ethical high ground?" - I love it.

Sometimes I get a little nostalgic for the days when I ran a game and no one killed anyone - deliberately, not just because they didn't find someone to kill.

- My TWW: Persian Gulf game has taken an interesting turn. Nuclear escalation allowed the US to leverage its superior airpower to smash several key Soviet divisions with nuclear weapons, but the Soviet's 3rd wave reservists have flooded the map. A US counterattack has started to push into central Iran, but a massive wave of Soviet divisions - like 15-16 of them - is pushing back the last of the Turks and is moving on Iraq. It should be a tough two turns to finish the game out - the Soviets have to hold on to central Iran or lose a lot of VPs, but they can make up for the loss by crushing Iraq. But is there time? We'll see.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Felltower Monsters Bits Law

I blame martinl for this, which just goes to show how I roll my campaign.

Whereas, the dungeons of Felltower and their environs are full of dangerous monsters and fell beasts of untrustwothy and evil origin;
and whereas, the dumping of the corpses of such monsters in Stericksburg's public facilities are potentially dangerous to the morals, bodies, and souls of the inhabitants of the city aforementioned;
and whereas, the discouragement of bringing said fell creatures into the safe environs of the town is to be encouraged and the encouragement of bring them henceforce and into the environs is to be discouraged;
it is hereby decreed that it shall be illegal, against the law, and against the moral standing of the city, county, and kingdom of New Kingdom to bring such fell beings or their remains into town for the venal profit of profiteers. Any and all monters, human-like or human-unlike, shall be prohibited from sales within the confines of town, as shall be their possession. Various and sundry special exemptions are made for those parts previously allowed to be sold under the Wizard's Exemption* unless the sale of such should cause especially problems for the officials especially charged with the discharge of the taxing and allowance of said special parts.

In other words, sale of anything not listed in the Notes sections of monsters is banned in New Kingdom, aka the Kingdom the Game is Set In. In other words, if a skill roll or prior knowledge doesn't say it's valuable, don't take your chances, there will be legal issues. Leave the monsters, take the coinage.
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