Friday, April 28, 2023

Random Links & Thoughts for 4/28/23

The usual roundup for the end of the week!

- This article on unpleasant history (and present) in games. I enjoyed reading the thoughts of the game designers. As someone who plays games with terrible things in them - murder, mass murder, theft, slave labor, evil of all sorts, etc. - I like to keep that stuff from being ignored and put aside. It might not affect what I do - I play to win as the Wehrmacht in War in the East, kill orcs for no reason other than wanting their stuff in DF, and so on - I like to play without justifying it in some way that sets aside what's really going on there. Acknowledge it but still enjoy the game that encompasses it.

- I received a playtester's copy of Matt Riggsby's new book, Merchants of Venice. I think my contribution, as it usually is, was making it sillier.

- New monster - a hooded hydra.

- I folded a new pudding type into my monster seeds for them.

- We'll try to game this Sunday. Let's see how that works out - generally, it hasn't, but we'll keep trying.

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